The Rebozo for Labour

Photo from Sacredsong Birth & Wellness


A Rebozo is a long (typically six to nine feet long), tightly woven and often very colourful scarf of Southern and Central Mexican heritage and tradition. 

It can be used during pregnancy to wrap and lift the belly in several different ways or be tightly wrapped around the hips to provide pelvic support and help relieve pressure or discomfort in a person's back or pelvis. 

Picture from The Motherlode Box

It can also be used to help prepare the body for childbirth with some assisted bodywork. Gentle rocking, shifting and traction help to relax tight uterine ligaments and abdominals muscles and assists in releasing and balancing the muscles of the pelvis. 

Practising this Rebozo bodywork regularly in the weeks leading up to birth is beneficial to the pregnant body and gives birthers and partners a chance to be present to the baby and each other, which allows for rest, relaxation and intimacy (think oxytocin! the natural hormone needed for birth!) 

During labour, many of the same techniques used for preparation are useful as comfort measures (non-pharmaceutical assistance for coping during the intensity of the birth process). The Rebozo bodywork acts as a distraction and helps birthers surrender into the work of birth. It'sIt's also a wonderful way for birthers, partners and doulas to work together to help bring their baby earthside. It's teamwork!

Lindsey Eden - Birth Photography & Doula Support

An additional benefit to using the Rebozo during pregnancy and labour is that it is thought to encourage a baby into an optimal position for delivery. Babies are active participants during birth, continually moving and turning to position themselves well in the pelvis. A well-balanced pelvis, with muscles that can release and relax, may help the baby to move through the pelvis more easily. Less optimal positions (posterior positions) often result in a prolonged, more uncomfortable labour and longer pushing stage. A Rebozo does not manually shift or turn the baby, so much as the Rebozo work helps create space for the baby to move.

Families working with me spend a session learning how to use a Rebozo to support their pregnancy and labour, and I leave one* for practicing at home and for early labour before I'veI've joined them. *Please note this is a loan of the Rebozo. If you would like your own to keep, I can direct you to a source to purchase one.


A Rebozo is not only for pregnancy and birth! It is used for all manor of things, including carrying objects on one's back or head and babywearing. It is a garment that can indicate one's family or marital status. Rebozos are used in many ceremonies, including births, weddings and funerals. 

The Rebozo is not just a colourful piece of cloth. It has a deep history and cultural meaning. To avoid cultural appropriation (taking or using things from a culture that is not your own, especially without showing that you understand or respect the culture), the word Rebozo should not be used unless referring to a Rebozo. Therefore we would not refer to a sheet or other babywearing wrap or sling as a Rebozo. 

Several examples of how to use a Rebozo.

The traditional midwives in Mexico have asked that before using the Rebozo, we honour the oral tradition of recognition of the teacher who shared their wisdom of the Rebozo with us.

Watch this video to learn more about the history of the Rebozo

Ruth Ruttan

Ruth Ruttan is a Birth & Postpartum Doula and an independent Comprehensive Pilates Master Instructor virtually and at
Retrofit Pilates.

With innate wisdom, profound respect for the capabilities of the human body, and a lifelong passion for movement, Ruth Ruttan helps families access their instincts, reclaim their autonomy, and connect with their natural rhythm during pregnancy, childbirth, and the early stages of parenthood.

Ruth has been teaching bodies to move better for over 25 years. Her particular area of expertise is in Prenatal & Postpartum Pilates, helping people to (re)integrate pelvic floor (and core) connection to prepare for birth, pushing, and postpartum recovery for all kinds of birth.

Natural Rhythm


Time Changes