With innate wisdom, profound respect for the capabilities of the human body, and a lifelong passion for movement, I help families access their instincts, reclaim their autonomy, and connect with their natural rhythm during pregnancy, childbirth, and the early stages of parenthood.
A Little bit about me
I live in East Toronto with my family – I have three children - one in junior grades, and two in university! – and when I'm not busy supporting clients, I can be found having dance parties in my kitchen, doing yoga and Pilates, and travelling (I've toured numerous times through many parts of Europe and the USA as a dancer and can't get enough of travelling!). I love a good cappuccino or an afternoon tea and getting out to enjoy nature with my family.
My own birth experiences inspired me to become a doula!
My personal movement practice and body awareness were huge assets when I gave birth to each of my three children. As was the incredible support team that encouraged me through each pregnancy to parenthood experience. I know how deeply the birth experience impacts families, and I want each family I work with to have a story that they love to tell.
I also had three very different bodyfeeding/ feeding experiences and feel a tremendous pull to support parents with feeding and the unpredictable adventure of parenthood. I believe "everything is figureoutable" with a little creativity and love.
I trained and certified with Bebo Mia, which involved written assignments (exams, essays, book reviews), providing support at three births (on a volunteer basis), completing 24 postpartum hours (on a volunteer basis), and a final exam. The Bebo Mia program took place over the course of 15 weeks (rather than a weekend, like some trainings) and left me feeling very competent and confident in my abilities as a doula. I also did several other Bebo Mia certifications.
As a Perinatal Pilates Specialist & Doula, my particular area of expertise is in Pelvic Health. I have spent the majority of the past 15 + years working closely with Pelvic Floor Physiotherapists and clients on (re)integrating pelvic floor (and core) connection to prepare for birth, pushing, and postpartum recovery for both vaginal & Caesarean births. This also includes expert knowledge about Diastasis Recti, Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction, and many of the other common issues and discomforts of pregnancy and postpartum. Feel free to ask me more about this!
My additional certifications and qualifications include the following:
• Certified Maternal Support Practitioner (doula), Bebo Mia
• Body Ready Method, Lindsay McCoy
• Certified Infant Sleep Educator, Bebo Mia
• Certified Childbirth Educator, Bebo Mia
• Certified Breastfeeding Educator, Bebo Mia
• Certified Rebozo Doula, the Gena Kirby Method, Allison Todrin
• Fully Certified STOTT Pilates Instructor, STOTT Pilates
• Master Instructor (Faculty Member), Balanced Body & PMA
• Infant and Family CPR trained
• Professional Contemporary Dance Training - School of the Toronto Dance Theatre
• Fine Arts - Dance, York University
• Contemporary Dance Major, Concordia University
• CDTA, Dance & Movement Teacher
• Professional Contributor to Baby and Me Fitness Blog, Mommy Connections Blog, Core Matters, Pilates Blog and others
• Regular speaker at Prenatal and Postnatal workshops across Canada & USA
• Professional Contemporary Dance Artist - Lightning strike ART Productions & Ruah Dance Co.
I have supported hundreds of families over the years through pregnancy, birth, and the early stages of parenting. I've attended about 1-6 births a month since beginning my doula business in 2014, and many births as a friend and volunteer - my first birth attended was a home birth in 2002. And, of course, I've had my own births!
While experience does matter (and I assure you that I have been to a very solid number of births to support you in the best way possible), the most important aspect of working together is connection. However, if this number is really important for you to know, I'll do a count! (it’s definitely over 150!)
I've also supported thousands of bodies with Pilates and movement education, keeping them functional through pregnancy and preparing them for labour, birthing and postpartum recovery for all types of birth.
I've attended a good mix of births at homes, the Toronto Birth Centre, and hospitals. If you’re having a hospital birth, I can help you stay home as long as possible (if you wish) and navigate ‘the system’ once we get there. I am happy to support you in whichever setting you've chosen.
Postpartum visits are in your home or hospital if requested and permitted.
Yes. Births don't always go to plan. I’ve supported home births that moved to the hospital, inductions and augmentations to labour, babies having to go to the NICU immediately after birth, and planned vaginal births that ended in surgical birth.
I have also supported parents/ families who were dealing with one or more of the following:
• Pregnancy after a miscarriage or loss
• Fertility conception & advanced maternal age
• Pregnancy and birth after the loss of a close loved one
• High-Risk pregnancies, advanced maternal age, and medical conditions
• Twins and multiple pregnancies
• Breech birth, Posterior presentation birth
• Postpartum hemorrhage and manual extraction of the placenta/ clots
• Prodromal labour (extended over several days)
• Precipitous or Unintended home births (very fast!)
• Cesarean birth (experience supporting in the OR)
• Gestational and pre-existing diabetes
• High blood pressure (pre/postnatally)
• Pre-existing asthma, scoliosis and heart and or blood conditions
• VBACs (vaginal births after a cesarean)
• Pre-existing & pre/postnatal depression and anxiety
• Pre-term labour and NICU stays
• Cleft Palate and "High needs" infants... and many other scenarios!
I have personal experience with antenatal anxiety and depression in two of my pregnancies and postpartum. My second child was born with a cleft soft palate which was an intense postpartum experience and a challenging body/breastfeeding journey. I can tell you with 100% certainty – as a doula and a birthing person who has experienced complications – that having a doula at your side when birth throws you a curveball is invaluable.
Clients typically describe me as down-to-earth, calm, knowledgable, and grounded.
I would describe myself as creative, passionate, and bold- I love helping people figure out how to meet their unique family needs. While my vibe is generally pretty relaxed, I do know when – and how – to step in and take control and bring the focus back to where it needs to be.
In all my dealings with clients, I am conscientious, reliable, and trustworthy, and my objective is – always – to help you understand your options, respect your intuition and provide the support you need (both physical and mental/emotional) to feel confident and make the right decisions for you.
Yes! I have several dedicated backup doulas whom I consider part of My Team. They have done the same or similar training as me, and have a similar approach and ‘vibe’.
I act as your Primary Doula, and one of them would be your Secondary Doula, and another as our backup-backup doula. If you wish, you have the opportunity to meet and build a solid relationship with your backup doula too. On the very rare chance that we were both unable to attend your birth, your third doula would attend!
Do you offer any additional services (yoga, Pilates, bodyfeeding support, etc.)?
Yes! I offer private pre/postnatal movement/ yoga/ Pilates, private childbirth education, infant sleep education, and breast/ chestfeeding/ lactation education, in addition to birth and postpartum support. I can also refer you to other wellness practitioners if needed.
That said, I share a lot of knowledge related to these areas as part of my doula support packages.
For example, I always discuss and provide practical strategies related to infant sleep at prenatal appointments, feeding support is always available to existing clients, and we always talk about pelvic floor health. Most packages also provide access to The Movement Library, full of movement for birth and recovery, Pilates & Yoga.
25% of your package price is payable upon signing – unless you’d prefer to pay for the entire amount at once, which is fine too. Following the initial payment, there will be two to four installments, depending on when in your pregnancy you engage me, with the final payment being no later than 36 weeks.
Payment for Prenatal & Childbirth Education, Virtual Support & Postpartum packages must be paid in full prior to beginning services unless otherwise arranged.
Travel fees may apply if you live or move outside the catchment area. (cost is dependent on distance)
Prenatal & Childbirth Education sessions are virtual, with the option for in-person support. ($25 extra charge)
You may purchase additional services anytime depending on doula availability.
Payment by e-transfer is the easiest, but I also offer credit card payments.
Unless there are extenuating circumstances (ie: preterm loss), I am not able to offer refunds.
Once you’ve chosen a package and submitted your first payment, I’ll ask you to complete an e-intake form and an agreement form.
You’ll be sent several e-book resources, and any virtual support begins immediately as per your package description.
Text support is 9 am -5 pm Monday - Friday, excluding stat holidays, unless urgent (at your doula's discretion) or you’re in labour support - then text anytime!! Phone calls can be scheduled as needed. Postpartum video support can be scheduled as needed.
You will be sent a calendar to book your prenatal session(s) at approximately 28 weeks of pregnancy.
In-person visits are on weekdays during the day, similar to your health care provider & pregnancy-related appointments you will be asked to make time for these important meetings!
Weekend & evening appointments are virtual.
All Birth Support packages have at least one in-person visit. However, this is health dependent.
We will meet at your home or online as per your package and preference.
Then we keep in touch regularly until it’s time for me to join you for in-person labour and birth support!
Some support may be shared with another doula, depending on the health and availability of your doula.
Your doula’s health (& your health!) or schedule may require rescheduling visits or moving to online last minute.
Postpartum visits are in-person and can be rescheduled if anyone is in poor health and we can do a video call in the mean time.
In our prenatal appointments, we’ll talk about your options and what you can – and can’t – plan for so that you’re fully informed.
I will guide you through exercises and specific questions to help identify your feelings – and ensure all of us are on the same page – as it relates to things like interventions.
From there, we’ll identify your primary goals of care (the key areas you feel strongly about), and I’ll help you craft your birth preferences.
So long as you’re informed, I support whatever feels right for you. In our prenatal meetings, we’ll talk about your options as it relates to pain relief, as well as the advantages and any risks associated with them so you can make a fully informed decision.
We’ll also talk about how I can support you in your choices and your pain relief options, should you choose to forego an epidural.
At the end of the day, how you feel about your birth will depend less on how it unfolded (ie: epidural vs. not) than on whether you felt informed and supported in your decisions. So that’s what I aim to provide for you, no matter what your preferences.
Labour & Postpartum Support
By the time you’re full-term, we will have a solid ‘game plan’ for when you go into labour.
Generally, I ask the birthing person/ family to check in with me after every OB/midwife appointment from 36 weeks onward and notify me when signs of labour begin to appear.
I will remain in contact via text/phone until the point where you feel you need me, at which time I will come to your home to support you there (if desired) and help you decide when it makes sense to go to the hospital or birthing centre.
I’ll talk a lot about this during our prenatal sessions. I’ll explain how different active and passive postures can help and how items in your home can also help.
I use the Rebozo method, which I will teach you to use during our prenatal visit(s). The Rebozo a long scarf used in many supportive ways during pregnancy and labour. I also use a TENS machine. Additionally, I am trained in many movement & breathing techniques that can help during labour. I like to give you (and your partner) a "tool bag" full of comfort options!
A lot of it boils down to making sure you and your partner are on the same page, which is one of the reasons prenatal appointments are so valuable. Your partner will participate in our discussions, learn what you learn, and understand your preferences. At the birth itself, I’m there to support the partner as well as the birthing person – because even the most attentive partner will need to go to the washroom or have a bite to eat eventually!
The bottom line is that I’m not – in any way – there to replace the partner; rather, I’m there to guide and support both of you.
Very well!
Midwives love working with doulas, and doctors and nurses at Toronto hospitals are generally pretty used to doulas and understand our role. There isn’t any overlap in terms of what I provide vs. them – they are responsible for your medical care, and I am there to support you physically and emotionally.
You can expect there to be a general level of understanding and respect and that everyone will work together to support you. I can promise you that, even if there’s a shift change at the hospital, I’ll be with you the whole time – which often provides a welcome continuity of care for the birthing person.
In the vast majority of cases, I stay as long as you need me (the longest I've been at a birth is 48 + hours). In the unlikely event of illness or exhaustion (if labour were to last over 18 hours or over multiple days, for example), your Secondary Doula or Back-up Doula would step in and take over for me. It is relatively unlikely since I only take on a few births each month.
As for after your birth, I stay for a minimum of an hour and up to approximately three hours – until you’re settled, have tried feeding, and I’ve answered all your questions. I can also take photos for you and help transfer you to the recovery/ postpartum ward.
All my birth support packages include one or two postpartum visits, where you can ask any questions you have and I’ll help you ‘process’ your birth. Regardless of what happens, even in a positive experience, it’s useful to debrief and digest the experience.
I can also answer baby care questions, help with feeding, and I'm available by text for the first two to six weeks postpartum (as per your package) for anything that comes up. We can even schedule phone calls and video chats. My goal is that you feel well-supported in the days and weeks following the birth of your baby.
And, of course, this is all covered in the postpartum packages with more hours of support too!
Once you sign on with me for Birth Support, you can email any time and text between 9 am and 5 pm Monday - Friday, excluding stat holidays - unless you think you're in labour - then text anytime!). Phone calls can be scheduled on an as-needed basis.
For the postpartum time and virtual support, you can email any time and text between 9 am, and 5 pm Monday - Friday, excluding stat holidays - unless it’s urgent (at your doula’s discretion). Phone or video calls can be scheduled on an as-needed basis.
If I will be away or unavailable for a period of time, or if I need to turn off my phone for any reason, I will let you know beforehand. I will check my messages/ voice mail every 1-2 hours during that time. However, your backup doula will be available for any urgent questions or concerns until I am able to return your message.
I only take on a few births & postpartum families per month and do my best to ensure that due dates are spread out. That said, nobody knows when a baby will arrive! In the event that two births occur at exactly the same time, I would attend the birth of the client who contacted me first or appeared to be further along in labour. The Secondary Doula would attend the other birth. On occasion, I have been to one birth, right after another!
It’s a common misconception that a doula is ‘no longer needed in the case of cesarean birth – in reality, you need just as much support, but of a slightly different kind.
If you’re having a scheduled Caesarean birth, I will spend lots of time planning with you. I will be at the hospital before and after (many hospitals let doulas into the delivery room, but this isn’t a guarantee) and will be there to provide the support you need as you heal and recuperate. If I am unable to support you before, during or after your Caesarean in the recovery room due to hospital restrictions, I will see you for an extra postpartum visit in the postpartum ward in the hospital or in your home.
In the event of an emergency Caesarean birth, there’s a good chance you’ll have been in labour for quite some time already, with my support. When the decision to do a Caesarean birth is made, I can help you understand your choices and what’s going on and provide support throughout and afterward.
You bet. Be in touch and I’ll send you a list of past clients that you can email if you’d like a first-hand account of what it’s like to work with me. There are a wide variety of birth and postpartum experiences within this group of references, everything from birthing at home, the birth centre, twins, unmedicated, inductions, medicated, caesarean births and virtual birth support.
For specific reviews please check out the Love Notes on my site or browse the reviews on Google and my Facebook business page @RuthRuttanDoula

Let’s chat!
Be in Touch
I take on a limited number of births and postpartum families each month so as to be able to fully support each family. It’s never too early (or too late!) to get in touch - no question is too big or too small! I am always happy to chat about anything related to your pregnancy to parenthood journey.
What People Are Saying
“Ruth is an incredibly positive, kind and understanding doula”
Ruth is an incredibly positive, kind and understanding doula and my partner, and we could not imagine going through our pregnancy and birth without her guidance. She stuck with me through all 30 hours of labour and made sure we were ok and taken care. I planned on a home water birth with midwives but complications led to a transfer to hospital and OBGYN. Ruth was there throughout all the changes and, she also supported my partner. We could not have kept our cool without her! I'm happy to share our experience with Ruth and could not recommend her more!
- Yen, Mat & baby Kaida